How much is tuition?
Our current tuition rates are listed here.
Is Hampton Park accredited? Do you have certified teachers?
We are accredited by the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA), the North American Christian School Accrediting Agency (NACSAA), the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools (SCACS), and the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS). All our teachers are certified and several hold or are currently pursuing advanced degrees. Our administrator holds a doctorate in education.
What is the faculty/student ratio?
Our faculty/student ratio is 1:17. Our Lower School classrooms typically have about twenty students, while our Upper School class sizes vary by course.
Are teachers and administrators accessible?
YES, we welcome interaction with parents! We see education as a partnership between parents and educators, and if you have a concern, question, or idea, we want to hear it. Stop by after school or make an appointment through the school office.
Are all the students members of Hampton Park Baptist Church?
Not at all. In fact, around eighty different local churches are represented in our student body. We love the diversity of the HPCS family!
What curriculum does Hampton Park use?
We use a variety of curricula, choosing the best textbooks from the best providers to meet our learning objectives. Our teachers do an excellent job evaluating curricula, supplementing it in a variety of ways, making sure our students receive a rigorous academic preparation for college and work in the 21st century.
Can parents get involved at Hampton Park?
Yes, please! We love parent volunteers and couldn’t get by without them. A group of parents volunteer consistently on Tuesdays to help teachers with various needs, and we also regularly look for parents to help with field trips, room parties, classroom projects, and school events throughout the year.
Is financial aid available?
We have limited funds available to help families with a demonstrative financial need. If you’d like to apply for aid, please contact the school office.